The Probate Department of the Court handles decedents' estates, trusts, and conservatorships. Decedent's Marital Status (single, married, divorced, or widowed).Need a Living Trust Attorney in San Bernardino, CA? We help with living Trusts, Joint living trusts, and Wills at the best prices. The California statutes have a standard form for sellers to fill out, along with more specific disclosure requirements for unique situations. From real property to California real estate, we guide you through the process, whether you're putting property into a trust or transferring it out. Conveyance of the fee simple interest in the real estate. The conveyance of this property will. A California real estate contract lays out the terms and conditions surrounding the purchase of real property. From real property to California real estate, we guide you through the process, whether you're putting property into a trust or transferring it out.