A license holder who adds these terms to the contract in any manner, including drafting an escalation clause, is engaged in the unauthorized practice of law. It's a contract condition that allows you and the seller to increase your existing offer if another party bids higher.An escalation clause is an addendum submitted in a multiple-offer situation to improve the odds that you will outbid other buyers. An escalation clause is an addendum to an offer on a property, stating a buyer's willingness to increase their bid if the seller receives a competing offer. An escalation clause is a rider written into a purchase offer to assist an individual in beating out competing offers in real estate. A realtor, in the state of Texas, is not allowed to draft or assist in the creation of an Escalation Clause. You need a licensed attorney to help you. An escalation clause escalates an offer to a higher price based on prices of other offers. For instance, leases may increase the rent to keep up with expenses or inflation. The escalation clause increases a buyer's offer to a stated dollar figure above the highest competing bid.