A contract is whatever the two parties agree to it. There is no such thing as standard contract in the sense that you have to use this.Go to channel Chapter 8 Part 2 Antitrust and Listing Agreement Types break at 30 mins Travis Everette 6.6K views You couldn't actually get paid to be a real estate broker, a real estate agent in a transaction unless you have a written agency agreement. An acceleration clause in a mortgage or trust deed stipulates that the entire debt is due immediately, if the borrower defaults under the terms of the contract. We're going to talk about all the types of clauses that you need to know for the real estate exam. A 48 hour time clause is a form of escape or release clause and can also be negotiated as a different amount of time. What are the essential elements of a Real Estate Contract? Take a much deeper dive into why a borrower would choose one loan over the other why one path would make more sense in certain situations. What is the as is clause in Texas real estate?