Find property records, real estate tax assessment information, and more about properties and real estate in Allegheny County. Find Allegheny County property assessment records, including tax information, building information, owner history, and more.All items are sold at various locations throughout the state or through an online auction. The Tax and Utility Bills Office bills and collects real estate, personal property, corporation, and public utility accounts for Allegany County. Owner Appeal: New appeals can be filed and accepted beginning August 1st through October 1st. The County may acquire any personal property necessary for carrying out any of its functions. The Alleghany County Tax Office is responsible for the assessing, listing and collection of tax for all real and personal property located within the County. To sign up, please click Property Fraud Alert. Real property in a building would ordinarily remain in the building if the property were sold. 4. Some real property could not be moved without damage to itself.