Below are instructions for retrieving property, other than a vehicle, from the NYPD Property Clerk. 1. Retain and safeguard your copy of the property voucher.The Surrogate's Court hears cases involving the affairs (estate) of a decedent (person who passed away). This office, (located in room 121) is designed to help litigants who do not have attorneys navigate the court system. In an eviction, the tenant's belongings are moved under the supervision of the marshal and stored at a private warehouse. ➢ In a Probate matter, PRELIMINARY LETTERS TESTAMENTARY may be requested for the limited purpose of entering a sealed apt, before full. This booklet explains many of these laws you need to know and provides resources where you can find more information about landlord and tenant issues. You can write a notarized letter authorizing another person (friend, family member, etc.) who DOES have 2 forms of ID to pick up your property on your behalf.