What is a Business Property Statement (BOE Form 571L)?. California Law prescribes a yearly ad valorem tax based on property as it exists.If the Assessor sends you a BPS, the law requires that you complete, sign and return the statement to the Assessor's Office in the time period specified. Other records that could be helpful in completing the Form 571-L are the California. An annual filing of a Business Property Statement (PDF) is a requirement of section 441(d) of the California Revenue and Taxation Code. If the user has a tax preparer complete the Property Statement, the user must make sure they get the Account number and BIN number to file. Most statements can be filed online via e-SDR. Beginning in 2015, many of the low or no value property statements will not be mailed out annually. General information for owners about business property assessments and filing the Business Property Statement (Form 571-L). What is a Form 571L Business Property Statement (BPS)?