What is business personal property? This guide was designed to give you a better understanding about the kind of homeowners and renters insurance that is best for you.The guide is divided into eight sections – (I) Overview for. Filing a Business Property Statement, (II) Filing a Form 571-L Electronically (e-File),. Personal property insurance is designed to financially protect your belongings against a variety of hazards – fires, vandalism, theft, power surges. General information for owners about business property assessments and filing the Business Property Statement (Form 571-L). County of Los Angeles Office of the Assessor. California Constitution Article XIII and Revenue and Taxation Code section 201 state that all property is taxable unless it is stated that it is exempt. The law requires that the personal representative file this statement with the Assessor in each county where the decedent owned property at the time of death. Personal property insurance coverage can cover your personal belongings in the event of a covered loss.