This Property Development personal statement can be used as a helpful guide to relevant content and good structure for your own personal statement. What is business personal property?My purpose for studying real estate development at your university is to enable me to acquire the various skills necessary for a real estate developer. I feel strongly that the Master of Real Estate Development Program is the program that is the best fit for my professional interests. I am a highly self-motivated student, who views failure as a trigger to improve myself. In addition, my sociable nature means that I love working in a team. "As an ENTJ person, you're a confident and strategic thinker, you automatically analyze things, and you enjoy observing patterns and trends. I am writing on behalf of my application to your distinguished MS in Real Estate Program at XXXX University, my first choice for graduate school. , the asset will not transfer to Form 571-L, 571-F, or 571-A. Associations required for the Agricultural Property Statement. note.