If you are record- ing a beneficial interest transfer, do not complete this step. Learn the tips and tricks of valuing personal property and why assessors grossly overvalue BPP due to inaccurate value tables.Free initial consultation. 03, the personal property used in the operation of their motel remained the same, with no significant additions or deletions. Complete this form if you own property used for commercial purposes that is not included in the assessed value of your business' real property. Originally Answered: Can you provide examples of assets that have no intrinsic value but are still traded in the market? A ANY TRANSFER OF REAL PROPERTY requires Form 7551 to be completed, regardless if it is exempt or not. 2. Line 9 — Use an "X" to identify any significant physical changes in the property since January 1 of the previous year. Out-Of-The-Money. A term used to describe an option that has no intrinsic value. Value theory is the systematic study of values.