Use our self-service options on this website to pay your taxes or make a phone or video appointment at your convenience. Preferred Insurance provides Renters Insurance for Fairfax and all of Virginia.Every time they even think about getting rid of it they realize how much money they would lose out on each year. Man looking out the window and thinking about getting condo insurance. Condo. Condo Insurance can help protect your personal property and liability. Designed to protect your belongings, personal property coverage can help repair or replace your things if a covered event happens, such as theft or fire. Fairfax County; Loudoun County; Arlington County; Virginia; Maryland; West Virginia. There's No Place Like Home. Vehicles registered after 60 days are subject to a penalty of 10 percent of the tax. Even if you rent a house, apartment, condo, or duplex, it is now your home and is filled with the personal possessions that matter to you.