The New Business Tangible Personal Property Form is intended for first-time filers only. Localities can use either average retail, wholesale, trade-in, or loan value, so long as these values are applied uniformly within classifications of property.Let's go over answers to the most frequently asked questions about personal property taxes. VA has had personal property tax on vehicles for decades. Each year, the Real Estate Assessment Office appraises all real property in the City to determine its value for tax purposes. Personal property tax (also known as a car tax) is a tax on tangible property - ie, property that can be touched and moved, such as a car or piece of equipment. This is necessary to ensure proper valuation and equitable taxation. Is help available to fill out the Business Property Statement? Bonds payable on death to a named beneficiary. The will should be probated in the circuit court in the county or city where the decedent resided at the time of death.