Every time they even think about getting rid of it they realize how much money they would lose out on each year. Several areas have an additional regional or local tax as outlined below.Citizens are required to register with the Commissioner of the Revenue's Office within 60 days of a vehicle relocating to the city. Most Virginia cities, counties, and towns offer some form of personal property tax relief to homeowners age 65 and older, and to homeowners with disabilities. Personal property tax (also known as a car tax) is a tax on tangible property - ie, property that can be touched and moved, such as a car or piece of equipment. Decedent: the deceased person. Fairfax County Government•4.2K views. Personal Property Tax If you have moved in or out of Fairfax County, or. We use the clean retail value as listed in the Eastern Edition, N.A.D.A. Official Used Car Guide effective as of January of the year of tax. 14.