By the way, if you are wondering if you can include a reference to your Tangible Personal Property List in your Living Trust, the answer is no. If you've created a Trust with one or more beneficiaries, to transfer your Personal Property to those Trustees you'll need to first create a Transfer Document.The first thing a person will need to do to transfer property into a trust in Florida is to prepare and sign a new deed. Completing this process starts with the person taking an inventory of all of their personal property. What Assets Can Be Placed in a Florida Trust? If you want to get started with a personal property memorandum in Florida, contact our estate planning attorneys today. Florida probate law permits the use of a separate writing to dispose of your tangible personal property - get your free PDF document here! The Florida Land Trust is a fully revocable grantor trust drafted specifically to buy, hold, finance and sell Florida real estate or other personal property. The personal property trust is available for those wanting to keep their belongings but no longer in their name. Draft a Trust Agreement with a qualified attorney to establish the trust and its terms.