Aircraft Personal Property Return (File electronically using our SmartFile system on the Online Services Page). Exemption applications must be filed with your local assessor's office.See our Municipal Profiles for your local assessor's mailing address. Using the Image Mate Online map application will give the ownership, property inventory, assessed value as well as other useful information. Search For a Tax Bill - This feature allows you to search for a tax bill or bills using a complete or partial parcel ID, account number, or physical address. All businesses, churches, and not-for-profit organizations must file business tangible personal property forms with the assessor's office each year. The due date for filing a property tax return with your county tax officials is January 1 and April 1 unless otherwise indicated. Search for a tax bill - This feature allows you to search for a tax bill or bills using a complete or partial parcel ID, account number, or physical address. The clerk will process your paperwork. This affidavit must be completely filled out and properly signed and notarized.