Personal property coverage pays if your furniture, clothing, and other things you own are stolen, damaged, or destroyed. Personal property insurance is designed to financially protect your belongings against a variety of hazards – fires, vandalism, theft, power surges.Personal property coverage can cover your belongings such as furniture, clothing, sporting goods or electronics in the event of a covered loss. Personal property coverage protects things within your home like your computer, comfy couch, and favorite jacket from damage due to a covered loss. Personal property coverage pays for your furniture, clothing, and other things you own that are stolen, damaged, or destroyed. Look to Liberty Mutual for Texas homeowners insurance. If you are looking for home insurance coverage for your property in Houston, Texas, call us today at 512-331-0787 or fill out a free online quote now. Call our Houston Area Home Insurance Claim Lawyer to Help You Obtain Compensation for Damages to Structure, Dwelling, Property, or Persons.