Form for giving intimation or seeking previous sanction under Rule 18 (3) of the CCS. (Conduct) Rules, 1954 for transaction in respect of movable property.FORM-I. Form for giving prior intimation or seeking prior sanction under Rules 18 (3) of the CCS. Form for giving prior intimation or seeking previous sanction under Rule 18 (2) of the CCS. Presently posted in the Ministry of Tourism are required to submit their Annual lmmovable Property. Returns for the year 2020 (as on 01.01. Looking for a great job with great pay and benefits? You could have a rewarding career at the New York State Tax Department. Verify is a webbased system that allows enrolled employers to confirm the eligibility of their employees to work in the United States. Search for business topics like employer tax identification number (EIN) information, with the A-Z Index.