For example, a boiler that heat a building is considered real property, but a boiler that is used in the manufacturing process is considered personal property. Examples of business personal property include: Desks, chairs, filing cabinets, fixtures, etc.There are certain principles that will help you to classify property as real or personal. In brief, they are these: 1. For example, a Statement of Claim must in Form 14A, which requires you to include the general heading in Form 4A and the covering page in Form 4C. Be sure to include your parcel or account number in the email. Both the corn crop and trees are examples of real property that can become personal property, if they are severed from the land. When completing the form you must: • List all assets you own or control as of January 1, including those assets fully depreciated in your. Which of the following is not an example of corporeal property? , state inspection receipt or service center repair receipt).