Personal property is movable but may be attached to real estate. If you leave personal property in the home after you have been locked out following an eviction judgment, your landlord must do the following: 1.This program is designed to prepare students to meet the requirements to take the Arizona State Real Estate Salesperson's Exam. This process is a way to change property lines through the recordation of new deeds and can be used in certain circumstances where a Final Plat is not required. If you need advise or representation for any real estate-related legal issue in Maricopa County, please call us at (602) 257-4434. You may use the forms and instructions in this packet if . . . Find out how to submit a public records request to the MCAO Custodian of Records. — For other definitions of "Intangible Property," see Words Phrases. Times in a newspaper in the county where the case was filed. (i) A mistake in the description of the size, use or ownership of land, improvements or personal property.