You can use AutoFill to quickly enter your personal information in supported forms and documents as long as you've completed your My Card in the Contacts app. Portal for filling out and submitting Business Personal Property Listings and Extensions.Taxscribe tutorial . The IPP Taxscribe Personal Online Listing System allows taxpayers to file extension requests, manage multiple listings, file online, and quickly update data. The 2024 business personal property listing form and instructions is for any individual(s) or business(es) owning or possessing personal property. CHARLOTTE (QUEEN CITY NEWS) Roughly 435,000 Mecklenburg County 2024 property tax bills will be mailed out on July 31, the county says. The CMPD Crime Prevention Unit has put together a few tips on various ways to protect yourself in given situations. I am moving to Mecklenburg County NC from Florida. The property has two restaurants – a classic restaurant with 110 seats and a terrace area with 24 seats. Look up the current rate for a specific address using the same geolocation technology that powers the Avalara AvaTax rate calculation engine.