If I move out of Middlesex County or sell an item of personal property, will my tax bill be prorated? Middlesex County does not prorate personal property.All tangible household personal property and personal effects located within the Borough of Middlesex, shall not be assessed and taxed. Pay Personal Property Taxes Online enables online payments for personal property tax bills received from Middlesex County. Access the forms and information you need to file or respond to a small claims case. Property Tax Reimbursement Forms (PTR) May Be Filled Out on the Following Days and Times. Note: You must complete Form IT-2663-V (below), even if there is no payment of estimated personal income tax due. Attach check or money order here. A single personal property assessment is made for all taxable personal property of the owner located in the city or town. 2. This depreciation is the "holdback" element that the insurance company reduces from the replacement cost based on the age, condition and item involved.