Carefully read, fill out, sign and date the Property Owner Request for Review. Application. No person shall park, leave, store or maintain any inoperable motor vehicle upon any private property or premises for a period of more than 30 days.(1) The permittee shall comply with all terms and conditions of this permit. Use, ownership, maintenance, and responsibility for common property or facilities, including private open space, within a land division or cluster development. Please fill out the checklist below to ensure you have included all the required information. Mobile homeowners or residents of private residential leasehold communities are also tenants if they rent space in either of these types of communities. For example, corporations are taxable on their networks of poles, underground conduits, wires and pipes and machinery used in the conduct of business. For example, corporations are taxable on their networks of poles, underground conduits, wires and pipes and machinery used in the conduct of business. Property Search – (1976 to present). This is more useful for newer documents.