Form for giving intimation or seeking previous sanction under Rule 18 (3) of the CCS. (Conduct) Rules, 1954 for transaction in respect of movable property.Form for giving prior intimation or seeking previous sanction under Rule 18 (2) of the CCS. FORM-I. Form for giving prior intimation or seeking prior sanction under Rules 18 (3) of the CCS. Form for giving intimation or seeking previous sanction under Rule. 18(3) for transaction in respect of movable property. 1. Form for giving intimation or seeking previous sanction under rule 18(3) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules. 1964 for transaction in respect of MOVABLE PROPERTY. Standards for Collection, Compromise, Suspension or Termination of Collection Effort, and Referral of Civil Claims for Money or Property This volume of Decisions of the Department of the Interior covers the period from January 1, 1961, to December 31, 1961.