Montgomery offers coverage for your personal belongings, accidental damage within your dwelling, even displacement if needed. Personal property insurance is designed to financially protect your belongings against a variety of hazards – fires, vandalism, theft, power surges.Low cost renters insurance, customized for you. Personal Property - if you have a loss of valuables in your home like jewelry, electronics or guns due to theft or damage. Personal Property Insurance helps replace these items if they are lost, stolen or destroyed as a result of a covered loss. Scheduled Personal Property Coverage. We will complete a new replacement cost evaluation to help you determine an adequate homeowners dwelling limit. Personal property protection covers the loss of your belongings if they're stolen or damaged both inside and outside of your home. Auto-Owners Insurance is among the top insurance providers in the U.S., offering a wide variety of discounts and coverages to meet your needs. We offer car insurance, home insurance and other personal insurance through independent insurance agents.