Items typically included are the washer, dryer, refrigerator, cooktop, oven and dishwasher. Items often excluded are furniture and household furnishings.What are the address and hours of the Nassau County Clerk's Office? The Nassau County Clerk's Office is located at 240 Old Country Road, Mineola. The following answers to frequently asked questions may help you decide whether you should appeal your property's assessment and will guide you on how to do it. The appraiser must note ALL personal property included in the sales contract and determine the aggregate value, if any, of the items. Sales of tangible personal property are subject to New York sales tax unless they are specifically exempt. Sales of services are generally exempt. The forms for this filing are available at the Property Appraiser's office, our website, or at the Department of Revenue's website. This process involves examining public records to ensure that the property's title is free of encumbrances, such as liens, easements, or unresolved claims.