Find and download Nevada tax forms, including forms for businesses, sales tax, and more. The Nevada Property Tax imposes a tax on properties that span within counties and across county borders within Nevada or extend into other states.To calculate taxable value using the Personal Property Manual, the assessor completes three steps: â–« Select the appropriate expected life table,. If you own a boat, a plane, a railroad car (or perhaps a train?), these items are taxable. 2.22 HIGHWAY FACILITY is defined as real or personal property located within or immediately adjacent to the route of the PRIVATE RAIL LINE, such as structures,. Interests, as defined in the Nevada Uniform Commercial Code collectively called the "Personal Property". (e). The construction, alteration, improvement or repair of personal property. Prefer to contact us via e-mail? Please call White Pine County Social Services at 775-293-6528 to set up an appointment. Goal. Personal property taxes are calculated in the same manner with the exception that Illinois, New Jersey and Ohio exempt rail personal property from taxation.