A fiduciary may make contracts and execute instruments, under seal or otherwise, as may be necessary in the exercise of the powers herein granted. Decide what property to include in the trust.Choose a successor trustee. If you decide to do a trust, remember that all of your property must be transferred into the trust or your estate will wind up in probate. Navigating the Trust Administration Process in Nevada: A 10-Step Guide. Nevada Revised Statutes. •••. If you've created a Trust with one or more beneficiaries, to transfer your Personal Property to those Trustees you'll need to first create a Transfer Document. Please visit the resources available in the State, County or City where the property is located for more information. When no specific instructions are left in the will or trust, families can use several methods to divide personal property fairly. You can include assets like investments, banks accounts, real estate, and personal property in the living trust.