A trust can own almost any kind of property including real estate, money and bank accounts, stocks, bonds, brokerage accounts, business interests. Decide what property to include in the trust.Choose a successor trustee. Forms needed may be obtained from the clerk of court's office or on this website. You may still use a Personal Property Memorandum, as long as you understand it is not legally enforceable and up to the discretion of your trustee or executor. When creating a living trust in North Carolina, you complete the trust document and sign it in front of notary. Cary, NC probate attorney explains when to file an Affidavit for Collection of Personal Property. Call 919-443-3035 to schedule your needs assessment call. Before you begin, take a complete inventory: non-titled personal property, real property, and financial assets. Proceed carefully before creating an irrevocable trust, and always get legal assistance from an estate planning attorney when creating the trust.