All taxable personal property in North Carolina is appraised at its true value in money. The goal of this course is to provide an overview of the listing, valuation, and assessment of personal property, while developing an understanding.By listing the correct Age (Yr Acquired) and Historical Original Cost, our office is able to use the North Carolina. The top portion of the listing form is for basic information about your business. Complete the business personal property listing form. The corrected listing shall have the same force and effect as if the personal property had been listed in the name of the proper person in the first instance. This guide explains what qualifies as personal property for tax purposes in Sampson County, North Carolina, and how to handle the listing and taxation process. Who Must File A Business Personal Property Listing? A complete listing is required of all individuals, partnerships, corporations, and associations who on. All assets used in the conduction of a business or trade is Business Personal Property and should be listed with the County. 2.