If you are unable to file electronically, please call our office at (510) 272-3848 and a BPS will be mailed to you. 1. On your claim form, provide the Assessor with information that supports your opinion that the market value for your property is less than the assessed value.Intangible personal property refers to an item of value that cannot be touched or physically held. 03, the personal property used in the operation of their motel remained the same, with no significant additions or deletions. Extremely low BCRs for these groups were not due to property values, but instead were due to minimal flooding in comparison to other structures in the analysis. Personal Property Statements that are filed after the February 20th deadline are considered late. By law the assessor is required to estimate an assessed value. Daniels didn't get into standup comedy out of any intrinsic desire. Remember that the tone of your law school essays isn't the same tone you'll use in a legal brief. Law schools are admitting the whole person.