Ohio law requires a motor vehicle to be registered and is only required to display the one distinctive license plate on the rear of that vehicle. These instructions are provided as a public service of the Butler County Probate Court, and are intended as a guideline only.You can file a police report, send a certified letter asking for the return of your belongings, or hire a lawyer. Through Ohio Business Central, you can file a number of forms online, obtain and request publications, search existing businesses, and sign up for our. Go to the clerk's office and ask for a Small Claim Questionnaire. What Is The MER Estate? This manual provides county cash managers like yourself with information on the powers and duties specific to your office. Ohio State accepts the Common Application for admission to the Columbus campus. Common Application: open now for autumn and spring term applicants. Jointly-owned real estate; Retirement plans; Annuities and pensions; Assets held in a trust; Any assets with a designated beneficiary.