Tax information for owners of property located in Philadelphia, including tax rates, due dates, and applicable discounts. Buyer to include, name of business or individual purchasing the property, last four digits of SSN or EIN.To participate in a Philadelphia Sheriff's Sale, you will need to take the following steps: 1. It requires all purchasers to secure from sellers bulksale clearance certificates. For further assistance, please call (717) 783-6052. The Department of Revenue administers the tax laws and other revenue programs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Searchable online database of homes for sale, rent, and not currently on the market, with value estimator, market report, and real-estate trend tool. Calculate how much you'll pay in property taxes on your home, given your location and assessed home value. Located north of Philadelphia, Montgomery County has property tax rates near the state average, but much higher than those in the City of Brotherly Love. Guide To: Philadelphia Real Estate Transfer Tax Exemptions.