The Business Personal Property Unit assists in the assessment of this type of property. This publication answers common questions about.Business personal property deals with the physical assets used in the operation of the business. Get information about online options available for paying sales taxes, filing tax returns, managing your business account, and reviewing history. A copy of a property tax bill can be accessed, downloaded, and printed from the website of the County Treasurer of the county in which the property is located. Retail Sales, Level 1 (State Business Activity Code 017). Phoenix Arizona's trusted personal property appraisers. The original cost of a personal property item includes the purchase price plus all freight and installation costs as well as any paid sales tax for the item. Please remember to assess your vehicles, ATVs, trailers, tractors, boats, motors and all business personal property before May 31st. If I sell my vehicle during the year, can the personal property taxes be refunded?