Generally speaking, personal property refers to any tangible and intangible assets not including houses and property. The Affidavit of Personal Property does not need to be filed with the Clerk of the Court.It is signed, notarized, and presented to the party holding the asset. Attach a copy of your Letters of Office certified within 60 days. 2c. In Arizona you can prepare a "personal property list" identifying who will receive individual items from your estate. Take Inventory of Your Assets and Personal Belongings. A personal property memo is a document that is separate from, and in addition to, your will or trust. Procedures: What to do after you have completed the affidavit: 1. This form is provided as a guide when keeping a list of your property. Holographic wills are handwritten wills and can be valid in Arizona if the will is entirely written in the testator's handwriting.