Current use or qualifying status is the basis for differentiating the main categories of real and personal property between the nine property classes. The Act is a principled, practical solution that strikes a fair balance: it allows government to bar property uses that threaten public health or safety.Obtain notarized proof of the property owner's permission for use of the private property. 4. Fill out the Business License Application. Landowners or lawful occupants who want to control access to their property and prevent timber theft may post signs warning people to keep out. The Board of Supervisors will take on drivers of allterrain vehicles with a proposed ban on firing them up on residentially zoned private property. Step 2 - Complete the Document. A complete description of the alternatives is included in the Final EIS. Alternative A, No Action Alternative: Pima County would not apply for, and the. Pima County Community College District and the Procurement Department will be closed for Winter.