The Personal Property Unit is responsible for the discovery and assessment of all taxable business property, boats, commercial and private aircraft. If the person owned real property (like a building, land, or a house), you need to fill out and attach Inventory and Appraisal (form DE-160).What are examples of inventory and supplies? Online Form Preparation and eFiling, Pay a Traffic Ticket, Probate Notes, Remote Access Resource List, Self-Help Resources, Forms and Rules If your entire vehicle has been stolen, do not fill out this form, call 909-384-5742. The guide is divided into eight sections – (I) Overview for. Filing a Business Property Statement, (II) Filing a Form 571-L Electronically (e-File),. This document provides guidance as to what items are considered disposable or personal belongings when cleaning up unsheltered encampments or similar areas. NEW TAX COLLECTOR OFFICE HOURS: The Tax Collector's office is open to the public Monday – Friday from am – pm, excluding holidays. Your opinion is important to us!