The Probate Referee appraises all property in the estate, except for "cash" type items. We've built new products, services, and processes (and replaced old ones).We have empowered consumers to improve their ability to buy, rent, and keep a home. The Fannie Mae Multifamily Loan Program is one of the most utilized funding resources for apartment owners nationwide because of its attractive interest rates. A full version of the Selling Guide is also available for viewing on the AllRegs Web site of. Make Sure You Have a Complete Loan Package – If you are purchasing a property be sure to include a complete due diligence list in the purchase contract. Declining numbers of manufactured housing communities. Priscilla Almodovar, head of Fannie Mae, spoke at the Latinothemed L'Attitude conference in San Diego. Once the escrow agent verifies that all parties completed their obligations under the purchase contract, the buyer's funds pay for the real property. Contingency for Personal Property.