Exemption applications must be filed with your local assessor's office. See our Municipal Profiles for your local assessor's mailing address.New York State developed nine property class codes to provide a statewide uniform classification system for assessment administration. A single personal property assessment is made for all taxable personal property of the owner located in the city or town. 2. The "enhanced" STAR exemption will provide an average school property tax reduction of at least 45 percent annually for seniors living in median-priced homes. Taxpayers should use these forms and guides to apply for local tax abatements and exemptions and file property returns. Suffolk County does not collect personal information about the Users of this database. Students should contact the Student Affairs Office or a member of the Suffolk CARES team if they expect to miss a week or more of classes. Such rate shall not exceed the tangible personal property tax on the general class of tangible personal property. Which other DC personal property tax forms may be filed?