How long do hospitals keep your belongings if you are discharged but never return to pick them up? What happens to our belongings if we were to die suddenly?Journals, collections, clothes, laptops, gaming systems, online drive in our computer, etc. (7) "Personal representative" means the person to whom limited letters of administration of a small estate or limited letters testamentary of a small estate. Here are some considerations and ideas on getting started when the time has come to sort through a loved one's belongings after a death. Personal Belongings: All of your personal belongings will be kept in a secure location. The Town of Wake Forest provides all single family households with a 96-gallon recycling cart (blue lid) and a 96-gallon trash cart (black lid). The purpose of these Rules is to provide for the fair, just, and prompt resolution of domestic cases in Wake County. Legal evictions are not the same as "notices to vacate" from landlords. Fill in the blank boxes for your flight.