Below is a list of all current franchisees and licensees, current agreements, and any applicable statutes or code. The Franchise Services Division is responsible for the administration of all franchises and similar agreements with companies that use the rights-of-way (ROW)The two primary documents you'll create are the Franchise Agreement and the Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD). The Franchise Agreement. Specialist franchise solicitors ready to advise and assist franchisors and franchisees on all franchise-related legalities. Item 12 and the "territory" provisions in the franchise agreement describe whether the franchisor and other franchisees can compete with you. The Franchise Disclosure Document must include the following State. Cover Sheets prepared according to the Instructions following Form G: a. The franchise agreement usually stipulates that franchisees have to buy from that wholesaling company. Show your contract and this disclosure document to an advisor, like a lawyer or an accountant.