Submit the completed application with all attachments and a check made payable to the Maryland. Board of Pharmacy in the appropriate amount to:.In the email, please include the company's official name and address, and the name and address of the Board of Pharmacy to which the letter should be addressed. A license and distribution agreement is a legal, written contract between two parties who wish to share the rights to a brand, patent, or trademark. Statement that the Applicant has obtained all the licenses and permits required to operate the proposed business in the State of Maryland. e. This distributor agreement template lays out the terms for paying commission on the reselling or distribution on a service or product. Harbor Freight is America's go-to store for low prices on power tools, generators, jacks, tool boxes and more. Two source interference pattern, Intensity distribution, Biprism, Determination of wavelength of light. Product (Canadian Distribution) Sales Agreement No.0478741.