This distributor agreement template lays out the terms for paying commission on the reselling or distribution on a service or product. Our free Distributor Agreement Form template allows you to streamline the process, ensuring clear terms for both parties.A license and distribution agreement is a legal, written contract between two parties who wish to share the rights to a brand, patent, or trademark. A form of distribution agreement is a contract between a supplier with products to sell and a company who plans to market and sell the products for profit. Grow your distributor network with our distributor agreement template. Download our free template now to start reaching new territories! Specify distribution terms between supplier and distributor and collect all contract data in one place with this template. A breach of contract happens when one party does not hold up their end of a deal. ("Supplier"). Purchaser is engaged in the business of manufacturing, packaging, marketing and selling sweetener products. Supplier name and address and references Palm Beach State College;.