This distributor agreement template lays out the terms for paying commission on the reselling or distribution on a service or product. This template is specifically tailored to favor the distributor, offering a straightforward and uncomplicated agreement that safeguards their interests.☐ The manufacturer is licensed in Texas and all line-makes and vehicle types listed in the manufacturer's license are included in the distribution agreement. Learn More About Effective Distribution Agreements in TX and How to Implement Them to Create a Mutually Beneficial Working Relationship. I also complete continuing education courses regularly to ensure I am up-to-date on best practices for my clients. The provisions of this Agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the successors, assigns and Exclusive Distributors of the Parties. 18. A license and distribution agreement is a legal, written contract between two parties who wish to share the rights to a brand, patent, or trademark.