A Letter of Good Standing following the USCCB guidelines is required for all clergy who wish to minister in the Diocese of Oakland. Dear St. Joseph and St. Barnabas Family, A blessed Feast of the Holy Family to you all.St. Barnabas Catholic Church 1427 Sixth Street Alameda, CA 94501. Office: (510) 522-8933. It is the policy of the City of Alameda to maintain a safe, healthful and productive work environment for all City employees. At each service we gather for meaningful worship to study God's word. We reach out with the heart of ministry to care for our neighbors in the name of Christ. If you need a letter of good standing testifying that you are considered an active parishioner in good standing of Holy Rosary, we would need you to: Alameda County Complete Supplemental. The youth (and the priests!) are heading up to Lake Tahoe for an old fashioned youth group ski trip.