Dear Chairman Board of Elders,. I am writing to withdraw my membership from Grace Community Church.Got my membership withdrawal letter. If you were really a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints you would know to go to your bishop. Why not just ask them to send a letter of "good standing" to the new church, and drop your name from their rolls? My hope for every professing member of a church is to find that happiness and to nurture it in the church. -Spread the message of what God is doing in the Allegheny Synod, not just to fellow Lutherans or church goers -Firm, clear and effective communication Connectional funding payment, connectional giving and more for clergy and membership forms for Global Methodist Churches. No other members had ventured out, supposing that the minister would not be able to make his way through the snow which was well up to the horse's sides. Most of the filing fees for these documents are included in the instructions.