To file amendments for existing registrations, find and open the record through the "Search" tab in the Business Filing Services portal and request access. Below, we'll take a look at some of the options available and two sample letters to remove a board member.Non-profit, community-based, or developer organizations should contact VPRP staff prior to applying if they wish to purse an exception to any of the above. Brief, and the Administrative Chair will not send a FORM 503(17) letter to the other taxing bodies. I am listed as an officer of a non-profit organization (Vice President). I want to be removed as I am no longer part of the organization. This page describes how a taxexempt organization should provide notice to the IRS of a termination. This article walks you through the steps to remove a board member, includes a sample letter, and explains how board management software streamlines the process. Additional information will be requested if the applicant is a corporation, trust, partnership, limited liability corporation, or nonprofit. 5.