You can always write a formal letter to your local church board stating your request and the reasons why. The membership of the church may remove, with or without cause, one or more board members at a meeting of the church membership.Most churches thin their membership lists every so often. If they haven't seen in in a year or two, they figure you've left. The church membership ordinarily must be notified of the date, time, and place of both annual and special membership meetings. You are allowed to resign from a church whenever you wish to do so, no matter what your covenant, church constitution or designated church leader says. List the reasons your church will be removing members from its rolls. You will need a different letter for each removal reason. As an atwill employee, the non profit organization that is the church can decide whether to allow you to withdraw your resignation letter. Thalman filled out the forms, and a few weeks later received confirmation that she was Mormon no more.