Let us have a look at this article to understand how to draft an application for bank statement, as well as the guidelines to follow and several sample letters. When a request for withdrawal of funds from a minor's account is received, the Court reviews: (1) The beginning balance amount in the estate;.Here are some sample letters of request for bank statements for your better understanding and reference. The Cook County RTLO provides renters' rights and landlord protections to Cook County suburban residents. RE: Request to be Removed from Mailing Lists. There are three instances when you must apply for a corrected title. If your original title is lost, stolen or mutilated, you must apply for a Duplicate Title. Bathing, dressing, and eating. 38. Illinois Legal Aid Online provides a guided interview called an Easy Form that will help you fill out the forms. It is responsible for the collection or disbursement of City revenues and all funds required to be in the custody of the city treasurer.