Dear Chairman Board of Elders,. I am writing to withdraw my membership from Grace Community Church.You can always write a formal letter to your local church board stating your request and the reasons why. Below, we'll take a look at some of the options available and two sample letters to remove a board member. I joined TNPC last month; however, I still need to write the letter officially terminating my membership at my parents' Methodist Church. You are allowed to resign from a church whenever you wish to do so, no matter what your covenant, church constitution or designated church leader says. Your church home is God's provision for you: a spiritual family that can support, love, care for, admonish, and encourage you as you walk with Christ. For example, many cities and counties may have additional permitting requirements. The Sources of Success Program will now be the first of three levels in the CSL Program and called the CSL Level I Program ("CSL-I"). Enclosed are the consent forms which we would like you to fill out if you desire to participate in the study.