Forms. Student Withdrawal Form (available online or in the Fairfax HS Student Services office). Please submit this form to our school registrar.These guidelines outline procedures to be followed when responding to a request to withdraw a student from a Fairfax County Public School. An enrolling parent may request a student transfer for their child in grades kindergarten through 12 to attend a non-base school. Withdrawals are completed at the school your child attends. You will need the following information: Photo ID and the reason for the withdrawal. Current Students: Submit a completed Institutional Withdrawal Form to the ISS Office. Complete the Student Exit Survey (current students only). Fill out the appropriate form, obtain all required signatures, and return the form to the Office of the University Registrar. FCPS Regulation 400-98 mandates that a parent letter be sent when a student accumulates 3 days of unlawful absences in any marking term.