The best thing to do is to explain the reasons for leaving so that the church is not hurt or mystified as to why you are leaving. Also, the elders may not be able to give you a letter of transfer or a good letter of standing to take to the next assembly.Customizing your Leaving a Church Letter is easy with Jotform Sign. I came to worship within your walls this morning. I came to worship, and I left with one hundred other women—every single one bleeding. Worship leaders around the world are sadly changing their church's worship (often unintentionally) into a spectator event, and people aren't singing anymore. Please do not stay in a church, ANY church, that encourages any sort of political religiosity. What Goes in a Letter of Resignation for a Church? It's a professional courtesy that allows you to leave your position gracefully. SPORTS The University of Florida did not fail their supporters in the game with Georgia Tech.